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    • CommentAuthorBigOilRep
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016 edited
    Ha, brilliant - just a constant stream of bullshit.

    I'd love to hear how he thinks a bit of epoxy resin would stop anyone who knows what they are doing from reverse engineering it - especially at the Chinese factory where they make the fricken thing.

    And there are new restrictions on shipping Li batteries by air - and this applies to loose batteries, not ones shipped already installed in devices.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Next: Ocubes can't be shipped due to global warming.

    But this is reasonable. Even prudent. They create energy in addition to the trapped solar energy. There should probably be a worldwide embargo on transporting, producing, or even thinking about them.
    • CommentAuthorBigOilRep
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    It's OK, he will never get shipping clearance. There are strict new restrictions on time slicing technology, not to mention all sorts of other made up shit.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016 edited
    It looks like s∞n transformed into t∞morrow. Actually t∞day, since it looks like that answer was posted yesterday:

    The question is though whether t∞morrow yesterday is t∞day today, or t∞morrow again.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    We'll see...
    "Soon" is so yesterday.
    • CommentAuthorLakes
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Yesterday all my SooNs seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday....
    Imminently. there'll be half the charge there used to beeee
    But you've got a 12 month guaranteeee
    Return to base - indefinitelyyyy
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Today? I believe it when I see proof, but not before.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Today. My, that is soon!
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Yeah, it's time to reduce a 100% failure rate to just 25%. Nothing can go wrong.
    • CommentAuthorthehard
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016

    Posted By: AngusNext: Ocubes can't be shipped due to global warming.

    Posted By: AngusThey create energy in addition to the trapped solar energy. There should probably be a worldwide embargo on transporting, producing, or even thinking about them.

    IIRC Arthur C Clarke actually feared that global warming would be caused by some overunity device.
    Posted By: thehardIIRC Arthur C Clarke actually feared that global warming would be caused by some overunity device.

    With Steorn it is a double whammy: messing with thermodynamics AND fucking with the space-time continuum.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Posted By: thehardYestersoon.

    Posted By: AngusNext: Ocubes can't be shipped due to global warming.

    Posted By: AngusThey create energy in addition to the trapped solar energy. There should probably be a worldwide embargo on transporting, producing, or even thinking about them.

    IIRC Arthur C Clarke actually feared that global warming would be caused by some overunity device.

    Since he was generally equipped to tell his arse from his elbow, I would doubt it, unless in jest.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    And here hangs my latent hope... And my hopeful dream... The universe is full of energy... ( I still remain very skeptical of the principle of "dark energy", although I'm coming around to dark matter ), I am deeply interested in alternative energy technologies, and I'm not convinced there is no way to draw energy from the general background of the universe... If we can use a little bit of of Jupiters gravity to speed up a space probe, then why can't we use SOMETHING from our current position in time/space to power our needs? There are a miriad of forces at work out there...
    ( just for the record.... I haven't seen one venture that meets its claims to date...)
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    It depends what you mean. On the whole you can siphon off a little bit of energy from a stream that is naturally going from somewhere to somewhere else. That's why PJH's claims don't make sense - you need both a cold sink and a hot source to wangle power out of heat for your own use. But if you are just sitting in the middle of something, as a fish floats in water, it's pretty hard to see how you can pile it up for profit.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016 edited
    From FB:

    So I had this company written off as delusional but they seem to have progressed pretty far. Can any engineers, physicists or material scientists give me some ideas of how bonkers this is?
    Can this be in any way possible without violating conservation of energy?
    If it's real it's frightening.

    Well, another week has gone by, and Steorn behaves as we expect Steorn to behave. Broken deadlines and broken promises all over again. The biggest fraud in the "free energy" community so far.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Posted By: AngusIt depends what you mean. On the whole you can siphon off a little bit of energy from a stream that is naturally going from somewhere to somewhere else. That's why PJH's claims don't make sense - you need both a cold sink and a hot source to wangle power out of heat for your own use. But if you are just sitting in the middle of something, as a fish floats in water, it's pretty hard to see how you can pile it up for profit.

    But if you can damn the streams that supply the water ..... Of course I don't subscribe to PJH's claims, ( even though I like his style) ... But I don't discredit every concept of finding and more importantly utilising a source of energy ) in our "sphear of influence" .... The universe is large and wonderfull.... ( and I have been drinking ROBOT, so I can claim full denial tomorrow
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2016
    Posted By: SwissieFrom FB:

    So I had this company written off as delusional but they seem to have progressed pretty far. Can any engineers, physicists or material scientists give me some ideas of how bonkers this is?
    Can this be in any way possible without violating conservation of energy?
    If it's real it's frightening.

    Well, another week has gone by, and Steorn behaves as we expect Steorn to behave. Broken deadlines and broken promises all over again. The biggest fraud in the "free energy" community so far.

    Fuck's the weekend... Have a drink, chill out, laugh with your friends and contemplate Monday without any free energy devices!!!

    That keypad really doesn't fit the case properly at all...big gaps at the top and bottom.

    Interesting how the fb page said it only came in red. It doesn't much look like the sort of phone they designed or promised.